Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Custom Cup Trophy: Ideas for Making your Trophies Standout

 Trophies have a way of appearing similar throughout events and various awards. If you are keen on standing out from the rest of the crowd, you have to find something special. The recipients will appreciate the creativity and uniqueness of the particular trophy in their collection of awards. Here are ideas you can use to make a custom cup trophy.

Add a Unique Decoration

A simple beautification addition will change the general appearance of the trophy. You can add a ribbon or engrave a special detail on the side of the trophy to make it unique. If you are unsure what to add to the general design, you can also add pizzazz to a custom cup trophy by filling it up with goodies such as candy, chocolates, or a gift card.

Add a Quote

This must align with the event or sport you will be awarding. It could be a quote from an influential person in that field or a current coach. These add a sense of value to the trophy. If the custom cup trophy belongs to a team, you can add the team’s motto or special saying to the award. Ensure you choose something unique and memorable.

Engrave a Photo

Usually, a custom cup trophy will have the recipient's name and what the award is for. You can go the extra mile and add a portrait of the recipient by having it engraved on the award. However, this should only be done if the trophy is a permanent gift to that person and not one that requires to be taken back at year-end. You may also consult with your designer to find a way of engraving a non-permanent name on a shared plaque or trophy.

The above ideas go a long way in creating memorable gifts for deserving winners. Communicate with your designer and get samples of what you want to ensure they are perfect.

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